Take your training
to the next level.

Do you have:

✔ A proven track record of educating and/or currently teaching students in the Scrum framework?

Unique contributions you’ve made or can make to the Scrum Community?

Are you:

Committed to the Scrum Values?

Dedicated to continuous improvement?

Become A Registered Scrum@Scale Trainer™ with Scrum Inc.

And Join A Distinguished Group of Scrum Educators

Scrum@Scale trainers concentrate on driving agility at the organization or enterprise level. Candidates of the Scrum@Scale trainer program will focus on tackling the “how” in scaling Scrum and addressing the unique challenges that arise at the cross-team and organizational level.

Registered Scrum@Scale trainers are authorized to teach Registered Scrum@Scale Practitioner™ classes.

Upcoming Train the Trainer Opportunities

Registered Scrum@Scale Trainer™ Courses:

9-13 December 2024 – Live (online)

Become a Registered Scrum Trainer™ (RST):

27-31 January 2025 – Live (online)

Path to Registered Scrum@Scale Trainer

The Registered Scrum@Scale Trainer program is a part of the Agile Education Program™ by Scrum Inc. with a concentration in improving organizational agility.

To become a Scrum@Scale Trainer, all applicants must have demonstrable experience improving the performance of multiple teams and organizations using Scrum and must satisfy the Agile Education program acceptance criteria. The experience will be evaluated by Scrum Inc. 

An overview of steps can be found below, and the full program requirements can be found here.

Program Acceptance Criteria
  • You are committed to the Scrum Values.
  • You have a proven track record of educating people in the Scrum Framework.
  • You have a body of evidence in the way of case studies, references, and data that you have helped teams or organizations improve their performance through your coaching and training.
  • You have unique contributions you can make to the Scrum community.
  • You have read the full requirements document and agree to our code of conduct.
  • You are dedicated to continuous improvement.
  • You understand that both paths to Scrum Trainer credentialing with Scrum Inc. may require additional co-training or work if you do not meet or exceed standards.
  • You have submitted your application.
  • You have completed the interview process and received high marks.
Overview of Application Steps
  • Demonstration of Trainer Readiness

Once we process your application of interest and confirm you meet the program acceptance criteria, you will be invited to submit a 15-minute, time-boxed recording of yourself teaching a live class of students.

  • Individuals and Interactions

Once we’ve reviewed your teaching video and determined that you are ready to continue your Registered Scrum@Scale Trainer journey, you will be invited to participate in a face-to-face conversation with the program team.

  • Demonstration of Impact

To demonstrate a proven track record of helping organizations improve agility, trainer applicants must submit a case study from their own experience implementing Scrum in a scaling environment. Acceptable case study formats include video, write-up, and podcast.

  • Demonstration of Training Expertise

Candidates have 2 paths to become a Registered Scrum@Scale Trainer:

Path A – Train the Trainer Course: The Trainer the Trainer courses are invite-only with limited applicants per course. The course is five days and culminates in a public Scrum@Scale Practitioner class. Trainer applicants in attendance will co-teach to get hands-on experience with the curriculum.

Path B – Apprenticeship: Applicants who choose this option must successfully complete at least four co-trainings with at least two current Registered Scrum@Scale Trainers.

  • Content Contribution

Trainer applicants are required to contribute at least one piece of content and shared back with the community under Creative Commons (CC4 BY-SA) in order to enable the successful adoption of Scrum@Scale.

Code of Conduct

Applicants must also successfully demonstrate an understanding of the Scrum@Scale Trainer Code of Conduct. As ambassadors of the Scrum Framework, the Scrum@Scale Framework, and the Agile Movement itself, Scrum@Scale Trainers must endeavor to embody the Scrum Values in all of their interactions with other trainers, students, and the Agile community at large. Registered Scrum@Scale Trainers are expected to welcome students of all backgrounds and identities and may not refuse access to their courses or training by paying customers without reasonable cause. Registered Scrum@Scale Trainers are expected to make a good faith effort to avoid creating environments in which individuals feel threatened or unsafe. Failure to uphold the Scrum@Scale Trainer Code of Conduct may result in the loss of your Trainer Credential at Scrum Inc.’s sole discretion and may also be grounds for Scrum Inc. declining to renew your credential after it expires.

To learn more about Scrum Inc.’s Scrum Trainer program, please visit: https://agileeducation.org/become-a-trainer/

Ready to get started?  Apply to become a Registered Scrum@Scale Trainer by reviewing the program acceptance criteria below and clicking on the ‘Apply Now’ button.

When submitting your application of interest, you should clearly articulate how you meet all the Agile Education Program’s Acceptance Criteria.

Demonstration of Trainer Readiness

You will be invited to take the next step in the application process once we process your application of interest and confirm you meet the program acceptance criteria.

This step requires you to create and submit a maximum 10-minute, time-boxed recording of yourself teaching a set of learning objectives (assigned by the Scrum Inc. Agile Education Program team) to a live class of students.

This teaching sample should showcase both your grasp of the concepts as well as your ability to effectively teach those concepts to others in an engaging and meaningful manner.

Individuals and Interactions

Once we’ve reviewed your teaching video and determined that you are ready to continue your Scrum@Scale Trainer journey, you will be invited to participate in a face-to-face conversation with the program team so we can better understand your goals and interests.

Demonstration of Impact

The mission of Scrum Inc.’s Agile Education Program™ is to spread good Scrum across the world, and to leave a lasting, positive impact. Our trainers have a proven track record of helping teams and organizations improve their performance and achieve lasting results. To demonstrate this, Scrum@Scale Trainer applicants must submit a case study from their own experience implementing Scrum in a Scaled context.

Case studies must include concrete metrics that demonstrate the impact of actions taken and should document an experience from within the last two years.

Acceptable Case Study Formats

Option 1 – Video

  • Please submit 3-5 PowerPoint slides (slide template here) documenting your experience, along with a 10-minute (maximum) recording of you presenting the case study.
  • The presentation should include a detailed description of the context in which the engagement occurred, including but not limited to: the industry, size of the organization, scope of the implementation (i.e., number of teams), key reasons for implementing Scrum, challenges, and successes of the implementation, and concrete data that demonstrates the impact. For the purposes of this application, the recording can be video (preferred) or audio, and production quality is not important.
  • If you chose this option, you will have an opportunity to present your case study during a Train the Trainer course and have it professionally recorded and edited. The finished product can be used for promotional purposes and may be hosted on our YouTube channel and/or website.

Option 2 – Write-up

  • Please submit a 3-5 page .pdf write-up documenting your experience (write-up template here). The submission should be copy-edited and in a publishable state.
  • The write up should include a detailed description of the context in which the engagement occurred, including but not limited to: the industry, size of the organization, scope of the implementation (i.e., number of teams), key reasons for implementing Scrum, challenges, and successes of the implementation, and concrete data that demonstrates the impact.
  • If you chose this option, you will have an opportunity to present your case study during a Train the Trainer course and get feedback from peers in the class. The finished product can be used for promotional purposes and may be hosted on our website.

Option 3 – Podcast

  • Please submit a 7-10 minute audio recording (.mp3) of you presenting the case study. The presentation must include enough context to stand alone without supplemental visual material, though you may optionally include supplemental visual content in a downloadable format (.pdf, .jpg, .png).
  • The audio recording should include a detailed description of the context in which the engagement occurred, including but not limited to: the industry, size of the organization, scope of the implementation (i.e., number of teams), key reasons for implementing Scrum, challenges, and successes of the implementation, and concrete data that demonstrates the impact. The submission should be production-ready and in a publishable state.
  • If you chose this option, you will have an opportunity to present your case study or play the recording during a Train the Trainer course and get feedback from peers in the class. The finished product can be used for promotional purposes and may be hosted on our YouTube channel and/or website.

Demonstration of Training Expertise

Registered Scrum@Scale Trainer Candidates may only proceed to this step after successfully completing the previous steps in the application process. Please note that both paths to Scrum Inc. Trainer outlined below may require additional co-training or work if you do not meet or exceed standards.

Path A:

Train the Trainer

Applicants who choose this option must attend a Registered Scrum@Scale ‘Train the Trainer’ (TtT) course to become a Scrum@Scale Trainer. Trainers will be evaluated on their performance and will be given feedback and opportunities to iteratively improve throughout the course of the public training.


The Train the Trainer courses are invite-only (based on acceptance of the applicant’s case study) and will be limited to 8 applicants per course. The course is five or six days and culminates in a public Registered Scrum@Scale Practitioner course, which Scrum@Scale Trainer candidates in attendance will co-teach to get hands-on experience with the Scrum Inc. and Scrum@Scale curriculum.
Demonstration of Training Expertise
Trainers will be evaluated on their performance and will be given feedback and opportunities to iteratively improve throughout the course of the public training. 

Path B:


Applicants who choose this option must successfully complete at least four co-trainings with at least two current Registered Scrum@Scale Trainers, one of whom must be a Registered Scrum Trainer Fellow.
Co-training Requirements

Applicants must complete at least four co-trainings, incrementally increasing the proportion of the course they are teaching with each subsequent co-training, as shown:

  • Co-training #1: Registered Scrum@Scale Trainer Candidate is expected to deliver 25% of the course.
  • Co-training #2: Registered Scrum@ScaleTrainer Candidate is expected to deliver 35%-50% of the course.
  • Co-training #3: Registered Scrum@Scale Trainer Candidate is expected to deliver 50%-75% of the course.
  • Co-training #4: Registered Scrum@Scale Trainer Candidate is expected to deliver at least 75% of the course.

Note: The final co-training must be with a Registered Scrum Trainer Fellow

Continuous Feedback
Applicants who choose this option must submit the following:

  • Date of co-trainings
  • Names of Registered Scrum@Scale Trainer co-trainer(s) and Registered Scrum Trainer Fellow
  • Course type & Number of students in the course
  • Feedback received from the Registered Scrum@Scale and Registered Scrum Fellow co-trainers and a statement from you on how you have incorporated, or will incorporate that feedback in subsequent trainings

Content Contribution

The Scrum Inc. Training Program is dedicated to enabling the successful adoption of Scrum and Scrum@Scale. To that end, Scrum At Scale Trainer applicants are required to contribute at least one piece of content. Content from accepted Scrum At Scale Trainer applicants will be released under Creative Commons (CC4 BY-SA) and shared back with the community.

Content Contribution Options

Option 1 – Backlog Decomposition Example

  • Applicants who choose this option must submit one real world example (sensitive details may be anonymized) of the decomposition of a Product Backlog Item (PBI) from the perspective of the Executive MetaScrum to the perspective of the team doing the work.
  • Your content contribution should make clear the industry or context it comes from.

Option 2 – Story Slicing Example

  • Applicants who choose this option must submit at least three challenging, real-world examples (sensitive details may be anonymized) of PBIs that have been appropriately sliced and written in a format that incorporates the “who,” “what,” and “why”.
  • Your content contribution should make clear the industry or context it comes from.

Code of Conduct

Scrum@Scale Trainer applicants must successfully demonstrate an understanding of the Scrum@Scale Trainer Code of Conduct.

As ambassadors of the Scrum Framework, the Scrum@Scale Framework, and the Agile Movement itself, Scrum@Scale Trainers must endeavor to embody the Scrum Values in all of their interactions with other trainers, students, and the Agile community at large. Scrum@Scale Trainers are expected to welcome students of all backgrounds and identities and may not refuse access to their courses or training by paying customers without reasonable cause. Scrum@Scale Trainers are expected to make a good faith effort to avoid creating environments in which individuals feel threatened or unsafe. Failure to uphold theScrum@Scale Trainer Code of Conduct may result in the loss of your Trainer Credential at Scrum Inc.’s sole discretion and may also be grounds for Scrum Inc. declining to renew your credential after it expires.